well, there really are not good excuses for my absence. certainly i haven't been crafting, at all. nor have i been in the hospital, or on a world tour, or looking for a church to be married in. i have been reading a ton, 24 books and counting this year so far, but mostly i just fell off the face of the earth, and finally, just, have found my way back.
at least for today.
my computer died suddenly, pretty suddenly, on december 17th. when i tipped it over today to get some serial numbers so i could finally just go buy that damned logic board and limp through the next year or so until i buy a new computer entirely i accidentally turned it on and it worked. i am kind of surprised and a little bit sure it won't last, but i have been monkeying around now for 4 hours and 24 minutes and so far so good.
what preceded my (what now seems like) abandonment of my blog what some issues with uploading some photos, it didn't work and then other things didn't work and then nothing worked. i have a camera full of photos - mostly scrabble game boards and i am nervous to put them on here for fear it will goof everything up again, so today - at least - there won't be a picture....
tomorrow? who knows.
i owe apologies to many for just disappearing -
julie and alice especially. i am quite embarrassed for how i lost touch entirely, but miss you both tons.
so here is to finding my way back, if only with tiny steps and an unreliable apple by my side, i am at least on the right path.