• Christmas packages tied up with string
  • Bronze beauty
  • Hoo hoo ho hoo
  • The color of brick
  • Early morning sunrise
  • Getting ready for saturday
  • Dinner
  • A misty walk to wendy's
  • Love, dad
  • Waiting

« oh. thank. god. | Main | we had pie »

01 December 2008


Are you kidding? You got a tattoo? How did this not come up before?

Oh, wait, now I see it says 'not me.' Damn typepad...

hey, I hope you do! You've been missed.

Oh, that tatoo did not come up at first.

good to see you :-)

That's a pretty graphic shot! Well, re-entry is the toughest part.

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plates & forks

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::learning to draw in 2007::

  • lightbulb
    here is where you will find progress. where i can show you what i learn; my journey becoming comfortable putting pencil to paper, creating something i will be proud of.

the covered button

  • you're done!
    step by step instructions for covering a metal button.... i have also made a little slide show of the tutorial. get there by cutting and pasting this link... http://rubycrownedkinglette.typepad.com/rubycrownedkinglette/2007/06/the_covered_but.html