• Christmas packages tied up with string
  • Bronze beauty
  • Hoo hoo ho hoo
  • The color of brick
  • Early morning sunrise
  • Getting ready for saturday
  • Dinner
  • A misty walk to wendy's
  • Love, dad
  • Waiting

« it seems all kinds of wrong.... | Main | i went kayaking again.... »

01 October 2008


he's kind of sweet---almost sheep-like

I'm rushing out, so I'll have to read this later, but I'm glad you are still extant.

I've been waiting for this picture!!!! I love it. I want one too!!!! Hey, where is he hanging, do you have him in the kitchen? I love him!

oh..OH my!! you kept this quiet and i was expecting the pop corn to be replaced with potatoes!!! It looks pretty amazing. Not something you would find in Ikea!! I love the antlers.

Oh, wow, he looks amazing! Can I just come live on your back stairs? It seems like it would be nice just to have him looking over you while you... well, I'm not sure just exactly what would be best accomplished on the back stairs, but you know what I mean.

So wonderful!!! Will the lichen live long? forever? It's so wonderful! Wait, I already said that. But I meant it both times. I grew up with actual deer horns (no heads) on the wall, and I like the branchy-lichen dear head much better! :)

That is so fantastic.

My deer head wants to go visit your deer head. He definitely sends his regards.

good lord, you always come back with a bang!

Oh spectacular is only one of many adjectives that could be used to describe this creation. You are forgiven for your cruel absence and with holding by offering up this most supercalifragilisticexpialidocious-est example of taxidermy art.

Well, if I had visited a taxidermist (I used to go to school with the daughter of a taxidermist, sort of beat the socks off anyone else when asked what her parents did for a living) I would not have come up with a lichen deer head! I love the fact that you did!

He looks fabulous where he is.

WOW! This is the coolest!!

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