• Christmas packages tied up with string
  • Bronze beauty
  • Hoo hoo ho hoo
  • The color of brick
  • Early morning sunrise
  • Getting ready for saturday
  • Dinner
  • A misty walk to wendy's
  • Love, dad
  • Waiting

« road trip!!! | Main | this is why i think i can be a farmer »

22 October 2008


What's been happening? I'm not noticing problems, but I'm noticing other typepad users complaining. Maybe I'm just not aware of something?

mine changed but no problems. sorry about that.

I swear...this is half the reason I switched. At least with Wordpress, I can control whether I use the 'upgrades' or not...

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plates & forks

who's visiting?

my etsy shop, come see

::learning to draw in 2007::

  • lightbulb
    here is where you will find progress. where i can show you what i learn; my journey becoming comfortable putting pencil to paper, creating something i will be proud of.

the covered button

  • you're done!
    step by step instructions for covering a metal button.... i have also made a little slide show of the tutorial. get there by cutting and pasting this link... http://rubycrownedkinglette.typepad.com/rubycrownedkinglette/2007/06/the_covered_but.html