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« 6:47 wednesday morning | Main | who else is tired of the popcorn? »

02 September 2008


Oh YUM!!!
Eat and repeat Oh YUM !!

Oh YUM!!!
Eat and repeat Oh YUM !!

My dad swears by the whirly pop (although he bought us some other brand). One Christmas about 8 years ago he bought all of us children one. He's a hoot. I don't have it anymore, which is probably a good thing since I just found out you can make kettle corn in it. OMG.

Ohhhhhhh kettle corn. I have bookmarked that Whrily Pop things.

I had never even heard of kettle corn until I moved down South . . .

omg, i have been TOTALLY obsessed with kettle corn lately. it started at the farmer's market ($8 for a big bag), progressed to trader joe's ($2.29 a bag) to making it at home (dangerously cheap). it's gotten so bag that i've started sending my husband bad kettle corn puns and kettle corn updates via email.

Well, corn is a vegetable, and popcorn is corn....

Maybe it's actually good for you!

(I want one of those whirly things!)

aren't whirly pops the best? i never thought of making kettle corn with mine - what a deliciously bad idea... thanks for the recipe.

yum yum!
i have such a sweet tooth though... i would be tempted to put caramel all over it :)

Is that all that goes into Kettle Korn? Heck, I can do that. Of course, I need to go out and buy a Whirly Pop, but that's not, too tough.

Is that all that goes into Kettle Korn? Heck, I can do that. Of course, I need to go out and buy a Whirly Pop, but that's not, too tough.

Mmm...this is really making me drool, I love popcorn especially while watching a movie.

Perfect meal anytime! Your kettle corn sounds and looks Heavenly!
Yummy post!

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