• Christmas packages tied up with string
  • Bronze beauty
  • Hoo hoo ho hoo
  • The color of brick
  • Early morning sunrise
  • Getting ready for saturday
  • Dinner
  • A misty walk to wendy's
  • Love, dad
  • Waiting

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14 August 2008


Well, don't be looking too hard for them. Maybe the trend will reverse.

Happy Birthday, Steph!

Happy Birthday! I hope you get to eat well and laugh lots.

Happy birthday! *^v^*

I'm 31 now. I can't begin to tell you how many of those I pull out of my head EVERY day.

Have a wonderful birthday!!!

Maybe you should start using your gray hair for embroidery? Just a thought.

Happy, Happy Birthday! Save those gray hairs in your random threads jar for arty sewing LOL!

... or you could just dye them like I do. ;)

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!!! I've given up on the gray hair. Now I only pluck the ones that stand straight up (like Denis the Menace) - why do they do that? Enjoy your day! Cheers.

Ooh, embroidering with grey hairs--the craft of the future! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! I try not to look too hard in the mirror and seem much younger as a result.

Happy Birthday! You don't know me. I found you via Green Kitchen. You are a wonderful, kind woman! Enjoy your birthday and don't stress the gray hairs. Hair dye is a good thing :-)

Kate in Costa Rica

happy, happy birthday!!! i used to name my gray hairs...as in: this one is from that first husband, this one the time my plane was hit by lightening, this one when i slammed my hand in the car door....they are just coming too fast and furious these days. michelle may be on to something with the embroidery...hmmmm...best wishes to you today!!! hugs and lots of xxxxxx

Happy Birthday, my sweet, wonderful friend. I wish you only the best now and always. Love working with you and love you as you are-twitches and all.

Happy Birthday! Mine was on Tuesday, so we are almost birthday twins!

Happy Birthday! I think women get better as they get older - don't you?

Buon compleanno! I hope you had a great day, never mind the gray hair. :)

Happy (day late) Birthday to you!

Happy Birthday!

I found my first gray hair the day that I gave birth to my first child. Hmm...

Happy Birthday!!

I gotta say, that single gray hair picture is fabulous.

Soo-ooo-ooo Happy Your Were Born.
Dying my hair this afternoon, because I also am much much younger on the inside.

Happy birthday my dear, wishing you a most wonderful year!

Happy belated b'day!! We were tlking about grays last night. #2 daughter thinks my husband should try Grecian Formula......

happy birthday, stephanie. i've been finding grey hairs with increasing frequency since i had kids... but i'm trying to embrace them since i'm much too lazy to dye my hair!

Oh God!! I missed it again!!!
I hope you had a WONDERFUL day and wish you all the best..and to hell with the grey hairs!!
Love you xxxxx

Belated birthday cheer from me... see you, g

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