tuesday night was family dinner. the plan, when we were planning, was to have a family dinner once a month. although pretty good about doing that in the beginning, we began to slack off. we're back on a more predictable schedule now and seem to be getting together at least every two months, although it really is more often than that because we, and by we i mean my mom, sisters, their significant others and a little one, are very close. that, in itself is worth celebrating, but so are birthdays and weddings. tuesday night there was a new house in the mix too. for only 6 adults we dirtied a lot of glassware - that too is worth celebrating.
i hope you have been enjoying summer and are going to make the most of this last official weekend of the season. i have a very strong sense that summer is going to continue into september as it has been taking a little break this last couple of weeks. so with that, here is to enjoying a few more evenings on the patio, with good company and a pair of binoculars.
Family get togethers are always worth the trouble.
Posted by: Diane ( Crafty Passions) | 31 August 2008 at 09:05 AM
hey, happy birthday and happy summer, sorry, i have been so busy, i missed your big day....
why are those glasses not empty?
Posted by: jude | 31 August 2008 at 10:34 AM
hey, Steph,
thanks, again. i keep thinking of you.
Posted by: michelle | 31 August 2008 at 03:35 PM
lovely photo; wish I had family close enough for family dinners!
Posted by: tut-tut | 01 September 2008 at 04:04 AM