• Christmas packages tied up with string
  • Bronze beauty
  • Hoo hoo ho hoo
  • The color of brick
  • Early morning sunrise
  • Getting ready for saturday
  • Dinner
  • A misty walk to wendy's
  • Love, dad
  • Waiting

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09 June 2008


No, not snow!!!!
That pasta dish is making my mouth water!!! Gorgeous colours too..YUM! xxx

Believe it or not, it's snowing here in Northwest Montana this morning. I've got folks staying with me this w/end who will be doing our triathlon - swimming in the LAKE instead of a pool. Your lasagna looks incredible - you take such amazing photos too!!

Oh, yum. My mouth is totally watering--and I just finished breakfast. Can I come over? Right now?

Well, I wish we could send a little warmth your way. It is way too hot, though storms cleared away some of it.

And doesn't that look tasty??

Ooooooh yes. Cheese. Baked. So good. I would just eat the top layer. The ENTIRE top layer. Yum.

Ooooooh yes. Cheese. Baked. So good. I would just eat the top layer. The ENTIRE top layer. Yum.

that looks delicious! hey, we finally got sun yesterday! how nice was that!?

Oh my mouth is watering. This dish looks absolutely scumptious. I do hope that you have some warmer weather soon.

i'm simply drooling, fantastic photo of the pasta! Buffalo moz is just the food of the gods, such good stuff.

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